I grew up right here in Virginia Beach being raised Catholic overall culturally Christian but not attending church regularly. Knowing the stories from the Bible thinking this made me a Christian, but not realizing something was missing. When I met my husband he was born and raised Christian but in our early years of marriage we did not practice like we should have as it was me holding us back. It was not until I studied revelation in a small group with my husband's grandmother that I realized what was missing. The verse “know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” Revelation 3:15-16. In that moment I realized what was missing, it was not enough to just have the knowledge that God existed but I needed to have a relationship with Him. That night in November in 2023 I accepted Christ into my heart and have been building that relationship with Christ through mentors, prayer, small groups both attending and leading, and serving alongside others.
I have been happily married to my Husband, Darren, since October of 2009 and did not realise then how much God had blessed me. Darren’s faith and patience with me helped me grow my faith and he has been the leader of our home, as well as a loving husband and wonderful father to our 2 kids, Nathaniel and Benjamin. Our Journey and walk of faith lead us here to Coastal. Where the entire family has felt connected and has plugged in whether it be with youth or a small group. I never thought I would be called to ministry if you ask me when I started this journey, but now with my relationship with God I could not imagine doing anything that was not for the Glory of His kingdom.
In my free time I love to spend time with my family and friends playing Board games, going to the movies or curling up and reading a book.